Mark of Tranquility
Title: "Mark of Tranquility"
Description: "Mark of Tranquility" captures the serene essence of a lake with calming tones of blues, yellows, and greens. The deep-toned horizon contrasts with the tranquil waters, while dynamic mark-making adds texture and interest. This abstract piece invites you to relax and reflect, offering a peaceful glimpse into a soothing, water-filled world.
Orignal 12x12 Acrylic Painting on 140lb Water color paper. Unframed.
Title: "Mark of Tranquility"
Description: "Mark of Tranquility" captures the serene essence of a lake with calming tones of blues, yellows, and greens. The deep-toned horizon contrasts with the tranquil waters, while dynamic mark-making adds texture and interest. This abstract piece invites you to relax and reflect, offering a peaceful glimpse into a soothing, water-filled world.
Orignal 12x12 Acrylic Painting on 140lb Water color paper. Unframed.
Title: "Mark of Tranquility"
Description: "Mark of Tranquility" captures the serene essence of a lake with calming tones of blues, yellows, and greens. The deep-toned horizon contrasts with the tranquil waters, while dynamic mark-making adds texture and interest. This abstract piece invites you to relax and reflect, offering a peaceful glimpse into a soothing, water-filled world.
Orignal 12x12 Acrylic Painting on 140lb Water color paper. Unframed.